Uptown Flats will expand housing opportunities for formerly homeless women in Pittsburgh.

artist rendering of a brick apartment building

Supervising Staff Attorney, Raina Metha; Staff Attorney, Kelly Prokop; and RHLS Executive Director, Dina Schlossberg, have been working with ACTION-Housing, Inc. and Bethlehem Haven on the Uptown Flats in Pittsburgh. ACTION-Housing, Inc. is the largest nonprofit developer in Pittsburgh; they develop and operate affordable housing throughout the city. Bethlehem Haven has operated a year-round shelter for women for forty-one years.

The Uptown Flats development has had two phases. Phase One was the renovation of Bethlehem Haven, a 26 Single Room Occupancy (SRO) facility on Fifth Avenue, where Bethlehem Haven has operated a year-round supportive shelter for women. The building needed rehabilitation following a fire, but this phase is now complete. Phase Two includes the new construction of 34 apartments on Fifth Avenue. This joint venture will create a new mixed-use building with 34 LIHTC apartments and supportive services for low-income residents in Pittsburgh’s Uptown neighborhood.

Developments that include 100% of units designated as supportive housing are unusual due to funding constraints. As such, this development represents a significant investment in the community and will be an important resource.

The Project received a forward reservation of 9% tax credits as well as a reservation of PA state tax credits from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA). The deal has closed and the construction can begin.