Regional Housing Legal Services celebrated the ribbon-cutting of Tasker Village Apartments, an affordable housing development preserved for the next thirty years as affordable rental housing with the assistance of Deputy…
Author: Anabel Genevitz
Powerful Links Between VAWA and LIHTC for Tenant Advocates
The Sargent Shriver Poverty Law Center's Clearinghouse Review has published Domestic Violence and Good-Cause Evictions in Pennsylvania After the 2013 Violence Against Women Act Amendments. The article was co-authored by…
HUD Proposes New Section 3 Regulations
HUD and the Department of Transportation have proposed new rules governing local hiring and contracting. Anyone interested in submitting comments can do so here. Comments are due by April 6th…
Larry Swanson: Friend and Advocate for Legal Services in Our State
This week, the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network (PLAN) will honor Larry Swanson, Executive Director of ACTION-Housing, Inc. as well as board member of RHLS for X years with a PLAN…
CAUSE-PA Executive Committee Wins PLAN Award for Utilities Advocacy
This week, the staff at RHLS and the Pennsylvania Utility Law Project (PULP) had the opportunity to celebrate The Coalition for Affordable Utility Services and Energy Efficiency in Pennsylvania (CAUSE-PA)…