Many businesses take root in someone's garage, basement, or spare bedroom. For Elaine Price, Owner of Floriated Interpretation, a good idea began in 2011 on her own front porch. Today,…
Author: Anabel Genevitz
Section 3 Certification Program Volunteer Brings Unique Perspective
The RHLS Section 3 Certification program is getting some help from a friend. Sandy Rosenberg, an attorney from Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, is generously volunteering her time and energy to support…
Section 3 Contracting Overview & Outcomes Presentation
Earlier this month, Bob Damewood, Staff Attorney and coordinator of our Section 3 Certification program gave this helpful presentation on the many benefits of extending Section 3 Certification to contractors.…
RHLS Bids Fond Farewell to Renee Robinson, Section 3 Business Specialist
After three years as RHLS’ Section 3 Business Specialist, Renee Robinson has accepted a position as ACTION-Housing’s Workforce Innovation and Policy Officer. We wish Renee the best as she begins…
The RHLS 2013-2014 Annual Report is here!
Click here to view a PDF of the RHLS 2013-2014 Annual Report . We hope you enjoy reading it!