General Information

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
The PA Public Utility Commission is the administrative body responsible for regulating utility matters in Pennsylvania. You can make a complaint about a utility problem directly on their site, as well as research Consumer Information and low-income Energy Assistance Programs, including universal service plans and evaluations.

If you file a formal or information complaint with the PUC, you are not required to have a lawyer represent you in the complaint process.  Depending on which county you live in, you may be eligible for assistance through the Widener Harrisburg Civil Law Clinic located at 3605 Vartan Way, Harrisburg, PA 17110, by phone at 717-541-0320 or via email at  For additional information see Widener Harrisburg’s Civil Law Clinic’s website.  Based on your income, legal representation may be available to you at no cost or a reduced fee.

Pennsylvania Office of the Consumer Advocate
The Pennsylvania Office of the Consumer Advocate was established by the General Assembly to represent the consumers of Pennsylvania in matters involving public utility service.

Pennsylvania LIHEAP
You can find out more about the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

Weatherization Assistance Program
In Pennsylvania, the Department of Community and Economic Development administers the statewide Weatherization Assistance Program which provides weatherization and energy conservation services at no cost to low-income households.

Utility Companies

You can use these links to find contact information for electric utilities and licensed electric generation suppliers, natural gas utilities and licensed natural gas suppliers, telephone companies, and water and wastewater utilities.

Other Resources

Listed below are websites containing information about utility regulation, practice, conservation and issues of interest.